Listen to this: a traveller went To pay Beethoven a compliment 1808: the premiere He finds Beethoven is not there I should really say that none of this is true He's just as real as me or you But for a second think, if he did not exist How did we get his manuscripts? He'd brought all his sheets for Ludwig to sign So sat and copied every line So having heard that, my question is this Who composed Beethoven's Fifth? Dit dit dit dah, dit dit dit dah Dit did dit dit dit, dah dit dit dah Listen to this: a traveller stayed Onboard a station day by day Without the sun, electric lights Would turn that daytime into night Writing had appeared, carved in the capsule wall Its message was unknown to all Ghosts would appear with hollowed out eyes Whispering the names of the next to die Up until now, they'd got them all right And had all the survivors in their sight But how did they know? Why did they care? Unless a traveller came to plant them there Everything must have a cause Even if you can't pinpoint the first Why is there writing on the wall? How did the station become submersed? Maybe it's a little unorthodox Maybe it's a little unorthodox But that's what you get with a bootstrap paradox Dit did dit dit dit, dah dit dit dah