
Unobtrusive Hatebreed


Overreacted stories, from those who swear it's reality
Without knowing they anchor into your memory
Starting to feel sorry, starting to hate
Hate for the unknown, the one unseen

Lies of those who are less in the eyes of the teller
Frightened listeners, confused at beginning, easy to convince
Those who didn't witness visualize what they hear

Without truth the anger grows as the lie continues
Feelings get exploited by the story that gets pushed to the limit
The disciple of confusion never started, never did wrong
or made no mistake. His eyes were closed and mouth was shut
His creation of prejudice works in the minds of those
who are always just listening without their own opinion or
courage to say what they really think

Open your eyes, release your mind
Think for your own, for what you know for real
Not for what you guess through things you just heard
First impressions stay in mind, no matter how they get in
Prejudice you have for the unknown, for the things
they've told you so
The influence on your mindless faith can let you
live forever in fear without need.