Louve a Deus, louve Toda América do Sul, toda América do Norte, América Latina Oriente Médio, Ásia, Europa, Oceania, África Praise Allah, praise Allah Praise Allah, lá, lá, lá, lá Praise Allah, praise Allah, all my praise to Allah Louve a Deus, louve, louve Volte no tempo, volte nos dias Relembre quantas vezes Deus já te deu estia Perdoou suas dívidas, as tretas da antiga Te deixou seguir com vida, às vezes zoada, às vezes florida Aleluia, glória a Deus, você ainda respira Remove os empecilhos, poli a alma e dá um brilho O bom Deus não nos esqueceu Praise Allah, praise Allah Praise Allah, lá, lá, lá, lá Praise Allah, praise Allah, all my praise to Allah Praise Allah, praise Allah Praise Allah, lá, lá, lá, lá Praise Allah, praise Allah, all my praise to Allah Bombas explodem no Oriente Médio No Brasil velho morre por falta de remédio Playboy cheira farinha por tédio Uma mina grávida pulou de cima do prédio Depois de tanto assédio o mano deixou de ser sério Foi brincar com a morte, agora se decompõe no cemitério Temos El Niño, tsunami A natureza dá o troco, por isso clame Hey honey, hey, hey bro God Almigthy is the real super hero Hey señorita, hey, hey hermano Dios en su vida tiene un plano Praise Allah, praise Allah Praise Allah, lá, lá, lá, lá Praise Allah, praise Allah, all my praise to Allah Praise Allah, praise Allah Praise Allah, lá, lá, lá, lá Praise Allah, praise Allah, all my praise to Allah Keep the faith, keep the faith, keep the faith now Stay strong, warriors around the globe This is woodstock of North America, come on Zion Whatever you call him, he's the father of lights Glorious heights, the father of the Lord Jesus Christ And I'm the son too, ain't no why to deceive Freestyle lives, trials never killed me Attack the enemies of truth, living proof God exists, but you need us to discover you 'Cause you were flight in the image he made Shining sun, glistening against the ocean waves Isn't it strange that He created the world But He hates all evil 'cause He's the king to unfurl His perfect plan 'Cause in his hand he holds life So we praise Him every day and night His perfect plan, 'cause in his hand he holds life So we praise Him every day and night Day and night, day and night Yeah that's right, we praise the most high for Shizel We praise Shizel, the lord of Hizels On the track with Pregador Lizel Pregador Luo, or Preacher Lizou, ha ha Anyway you wanna call it, we're down for you know who That's the G-O-Dizel, for Shizel, for Rizel Praise Father, praise Father, praise Father, Father, Father Praise Father, praise Father, all my praise to Father Praise Father, praise Father, praise Father, Father, Father Praise Father, praise Father, all my praise to Father Yo yo, hey Zion, let's switch languages now One, two, three, four, come on Louve a Deus, louve a Deus, louve a Deus, a Deus, a Deus Louve a Deus, louve a Deus, todo meu louvor a Deus Louve a Deus, louve a Deus Louve a Deus, louve, louve