Old Bermuda floats out there Heiress of a thousand tunes Trees are wound in purple vine Somehow seem to reach the moon This world is built on dead men's bones Piled high in lorryloads Women's eyes shine night-white shine The odd one hunts like precious stone Forget my name yet I'm still proud Though I am not a young man now My hair once parted black and thick Now more grey than I care to admit Evening thunders in my blood And carries far the sound of drums While death the blacksmith hammers home You feel lyin' eyes still lead me on Though the years are strewn with carrion We guests got dancing, drunken feet While the moon recruits a whole new fleet Where are you queen of the Danube? Shall I find you? My question comes back to me Where are you queen of the Danube? Shall I find you? Will it take years to locate you? Years to locate you Years to placate you When death the blacksmith calls to claim This dust, and burnt my very name The sea is red and the wind is dry Be blunt in your reply When death the blacksmith hammers home You feel lyin' eyes still lead me on Though the years are strewn with carrion We guests got dancing, drunken feet While the moon recruits a whole new fleet Where are you queen of the Danube? Shall I find you? My question comes back to me Where are you queen of the Danube? Shall I find you? Will it take years to locate you? Years to locate you Years to placate you Old Bermuda floats out there Rain falls on broken chairs While death the blacksmith hammers home Hammers home, hammers home, hammers home