Pranksters all over the place, using spray paint on their face, there's one possiblity, I'll tell you the catch, if you listen closely it'll start to make since. But you must buy the riddle, if you don't, you won't know my guess is that they're clownin' around. They like to mosh and jump up and down to the music and bass and scratch of disk, If a concert they miss, they go nuts and they split. They walk away with their dunce caps, joker hats and axe guitars so all I'm sayin' is... (I don't wanna be) I don't wanna be face to face with one of them. Rap war, rock offs may the best men win. (I don't wanna be) I don't wanna be face to face with one of them. looking at their wicked grin makes me sick. playin mission impossible doing ding dong ditch while their in a chain gang but my guess is, they're not get very far, now just quit the mischief, it's not that hard (yes it is!) (I don't wanna be) I don't wanna be face to face with one of them. Rap war, rock offs may the best men win. (I don't wanna be) I don't wanna be face to face with one of them. looking at their wicked grin makes me sick. Pranksters causing trouble... on your block... that's us... don't mess with us... we got each other's back... so you better back off you fag!