Powerman 5000


Powerman 5000

Tom: G

This song is one of my favorites, it has a really high-energy, upbeat sound to it.  I
there were no tabs for it on this site, so I made my own, because this is a really fun
to play.  It's not hard either, except in the pre-chorus after the bridge where you get 
tremolo picking a tough riff that requires you to stretch out like 5 frets, but it will
fall in place with some practice.

I put the tab into 2 guitar parts: the rhythm and lead guitars.  I think that the lead
be harmonized, but I find it easier to play it this way, at least to learn the song.

Guitar 1 (rhythm)
pm  .            .              .            .
Intro pt. 2 (pre-chorus)

Intro pt. 3 (chorus) (play twice)

Verse (play 4x)
pm  .          .              .          .
Repeat chorus, verse, chorus x2, then bridge (x4):
pm.        .        .
Then repeat pre-chorus, chorus x2, then bridge (x4) for outro, and that's it

Guitar 2 (lead), can be in drop d or standard tuning
intro pt. 1 (play twice)


intro pt. 2


intro pt. 3 (chorus)
ending 1
ending 2

verse (comes in during second half, leads straight into pre-chorus)
play the above three times, lead into pre chorus with:


repeat chorus (ending 1) x2, verse, pre-chorus, chorus 1 x3, chorus 2, then play the
(# of notes isn't exact, you get the point)


(tough part) Play with tremolo picking as many times as necessary, goes through pre-chorus
repeat chorus (ending 1) x3, chorus (ending 2) x1
play the main chorus riff (tens, twelve, thirteens) in the outro where there is a lead guitar.

Any questions or comments, post a comment and rate the tab, the rating lets me know you
and I will check the comments more often if I see people are rating the tab.  Even if
tub sucks, still rate it anyway.  I don't mind.  Most of all, have fun. This song rules.