Territorial pissing contest, it sickens my nerves Atrophy of morality, the people left to bleed A foregone conclusion, the lock before the key Raised on ideology and imperial democracy I don’t care what you think you know Go and leave it on your tombstone Altering the conscious, you can see what fits Making carnage of culture for your own benefit Your purity is make believe, delusion spreading like a weed Your logical fallacy is rational savagery Crucifixation Mental devastation A spiritual mockery Pure american hypocrisy Territorial pissing contest, it sickens my nerves Atrophy of morality, the people left to bleed A foregone conclusion, the lock before the key Raised on ideology and imperial democracy I don’t care what you think you know Go and leave it on your tombstone Altering your conscience, you can see what sticks Indoctrinating violence for your own benefit Corrupting everything you see, delusions spreading like a weed Your thirst for totality is rational savagery