


In your light lies the road to something other
The ardous path leading far beyond
Your saintly voices always present
In every thought and every deed

Holy light, that flame of transgression
Shines so bright through this white darkness
All worldly hindrance dispelled by your grace
With every step against the sun

On and on
Shine your light on outcasts shunned
From serpent seed rise triumphant our breed
To force creation back to nought

Come, oh dawn of my incarceration's end
The flight of no return
When I shall transcend in martyrdom
As one against all
Passing through the veil

Named and unnamed
Victorious martyrs whose deeds won't ever be forgotten
Receive these offerings
And I pray that you grant me further strength
Protection and illumination on this path
That you have trodden

May my branded soul
With your grace ever burn with adherence
To our holy cause
Until the reversal of all
And the liberation of spirit towards nought

Side by side with you martyrs of the path
I shall defy every law of man
Break every shackle imposed on me
Until the final day of wrath

On and on
Shine your light on outcasts shunned
From serpent seed rise triumphant our breed
To force creation back to nought

Come, oh dawn of my incarceration's end
The flight of no return
When I shall transcend in martyrdom
As one against all
Passing through the veil