Porcupine Tree

It Will Rain For A Million Years

Porcupine Tree

I locked myself inside the capsule
And watched the planet slowly turning blue
The lights before me flashed and sparkled
Holding keys to lives I've wandred through
Circuits buzzing, visions passing
Mysterious and cold upon the screen
Glowing, flowing with the currents
Yet never knowing where I've really been

The floating seeds of timeless travel
Come to rest in planes that don't exist
Visiting worlds of crystal beauty
Offering dreams so very hard to resist
I've seen the past, I've seen the future
Beyond dimension and into empty space
Finding questions, never answers
living time behind another face

Eu me tranquei numa cápsulas
E assisti ao planeta vagarosamente ficar azul
As luzes diante de mim brilharam e piscaram
Segurando as chaves para vidas por quais eu caminhei
Circuitos zunindo, visões passando
misteriosamente frias na tela
brilhando, fluindo com as correntes
porém nunca sabendo por onde realmente estive

As sementes flutuantes de viagens atemporais
vêm descansar nas superfícies que não existem
Visitando mundos de beleza cristalina
oferecendo sonhos difíceis de resistir
Eu vi o passado, eu vi o futuro
além das dimensões e do espaço vazio
Achando apenas perguntas, nunca repostas
vivendo o tempo atrás de uma outra face