I am he who is X Y and Zee I carry no card my life is cheap Have no worries I do not fret Some may have what I'm yet to get And you may wonder, "Is it how?" A kitten may turn into a cow With bells and horns and Tinned corned beef Forests, profits Plastic High Streets I am he who is A B and Cee An easy option Like twentieth century Satisfaction guaranteed It's easy! Let's steal a spaceship and Head for the sun and Shoot the stars with A lemonade ray gun Make a movie and A TV show You be Jane I'm George Jetson CHORUS I am you! You are me! X Y Zee to A B Cee You, Me, Us We are one From out our window We can see Electric sunshine Oxygen factories Clockwork tides Synthetic trees Just like the real ones On Vee Tee Mother Nature and Father Time Used to be good friends of mine But now we've put them In a home Filed them under "uses unknown" "No Pop? No style!" Is a phrase out of phase To praise what's worthwhile This is as good as it gets this is the best Let's catch the last rays Of civilisation and tune-in to a Sub-space station Turn up the DJ Let's get lost in intergalactic Punk rock hip hop CHORUS This is the time The time of our lives Escaping time For the all time highs Of love, lust, laughter That make us sweat Let's stimulate Sensory amplification This is PWEI-zation! This is this It's the living end "Je t'aime! Encore! Je t'aime!" CHORUS