Polly Paulusma

Anywhere From Here

Polly Paulusma

She left this morning 
She left no forwarding card 
I watched her pack 
And without looking back 
She drove out of the yard 
"Friends are only ghosts" she said 
"They fade and fall apart" 
They never stick around 
When the going gets hard-nosed, strong-boned 
Stick-impervious, diamond stoned 
And it's only names that really hurt 

Take me anywhere from here, i'm not asking 
I'll do anything to disappear from here 

I don't like thinking that maybe something I did was wrong 
I didn't understand her, and suddenly she didn't belong 
People come and go, one day they're here, the next they're gone 
Paranoia isn't pretty, but it sure makes you strong-bones 
Hard-nosed, unimpressible, indisposed 
So call me the names that really hurt 

Take me anywhere from here, i'm not asking 
I'll do anything to disappear from here 

Your life is just a movie in which you wish we never had starred 
But right back at the start 
I bet there's scene that makes you hard-nosed 
Strong-boned, stick-impervious, diamond-stoned 
And it's only names that really hurt 

Take me anywhere from here, i'm not asking 
I'll do anything to disappear 
So take me anywhere from here