This narrative begins at a point in time In this unfamiliar reality, where you have been defined Not as you were, but as what you've become A brother to all, but a son to no one I was once not unlike you Benign and beaten down I scoured the corners of the earth In search of a better way I ploughed the furthest depths, myriad leagues below And where you found that sinking feeling That's where I found myself I told myself that there was nothing there for me Ensnared within a vacancy that only I could see Each step I ever took was a vow Never to return to that place I left In search of what I always lacked My security I know this desperation breeds acceptance of any alternative So I made a promise to myself that I won't break Meet me at the turning point I'll be waiting there for you my friend Give me strength Give me a new mentality Give me hope Meet me at the turning point I'll be waiting there Give me strength Give me a new mentality And give me hope