Let's play Pokémon Shiritori Pikachu Utsubot Transel Lugia Achamo Morpeko Koduck Cleffy Eievui Isitsubute Teppouo Onisuzume Metagross Subame Metamon Shiritori with Pokémon techno Let's join together Pokémon names If there's a "n" at the end, you lose Okay, let's go, one more time! Pikachu Usohachi Chicorita Tamatama Mamepato Togedemaru Lucario Odoshishi Seadra Laplace Starmie Miniryu Windie Iwark Kucheat Togekiss Sleepe Ptera Raikou Uu Wooluu Ruriri Leafia Armorga Abagoura Latias Spear Agnome Muma Madatsubomi Mew Shiritori with the Music Club Let's join together Pokémon names If you learn a lot of names You can do it! That's a great success! Let's play Pokémon Shiritori