Tom: E Tuning: Drop D Tabber: Faoak (*) Part 1 Guitar A 0:00 - 00:38(guitar B screws around on hermonics till 0:14) E---------------------------------------------------- B---------------------------------------------------- G---------------------------------------------------- D---------------------------------------------------- A 3333--333--3333-3333/7777-7777-7777\00------------- D 3333--333--3333-3333/7777-7777-7777\00------------- Part 2 Guitar A 00:38- 1:10 E --------------------------------- B --------------------------------- G --------------------------------- D --------------------------------- A 3-3-xxxxx-2-2-xxxxx-0-0-xxxxx-8-8 D 3-3-xxxxx-2-2-xxxxx-0-0-xxxxx-8-8 00:38-1:10 Guitar B (where guitar A mutes incase format doesnt show up) E --------------------------------- B --------------------------------- G --------------------------------- D ----3-2--------3-2-------3-2----- A --------------------------------- D---------------------------------- Part 3 Guitar A & B 1:10 - 1:38 E --- B --- G --- (Over and Over, listen for picking patern) D -0- A -0- D -0- Part 4 Guitar B 1:39 - 1:56 E ------------------- B ------------------- G ------------------- D ------------------- (once again, listen to song for timing) A --5555^5^5^5^5----- D ------------------- Part 5 Guitar A 1:55- 2:28 v v v v v ^ v ^ v ^ v v E ------------------------------------ B ------------------------------------ G ------------------------------------ D ------------------------------------ A -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0------------ D -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0------------ 1:55 - 2:11 Guitar B E--------------------------------------- B--------------------------------------- G--------------------------------------- D --------------------------6666666^6^-- A -------------------------------------- D -------------------------------------- Part 6 Both Guitars 2:28-2:43 v ^ v ^ E---------- B---------- G---------- D -0-0-0-0- A -0-0-0-0- (at INSANE picking speeds) D -0-0-0-0- Lyrics: Part 1 Why do your eyes paralyze me What makes me feel this way Just carry me away with silence and heartbeats As rapid As rapid thinking about your embrace and how it makes me feel I just want to feel this way forever Part 2 Sleep on portraits painted as perfect as you Why have I been given the chance to fly (away) When I'm not with you I feel lesser alone Why have I been given the chance to fly away Part 3 I remember your face imprinted on angels Your voice as beautiful as the sounds of waves crashing against my heart Part 4 (no words) Part 5 Time slows down when you look at me I'm infatuated with this infatuated with you I remember your face imprinted on angels Part6 It's so hard for me to understand why I hadn't found you before hold my hand Thats it, lyrics and everything. Im pretty sure this is right. Check out this Alaskan band's website http://*