Shock-locks, understand: you alone are mild Mane to sneaker-string, clothes and everything Self-cropped, boy-chopped hair, tough and cut and wild Each lock like a switch-blade blade switched open, exploding like a star You took a jumbo-jet out of Kansai -- Osaka -- crashed the Chicago sky Came down where the biggest building stands to seek a life of design When the INS man asked, "watcha doing here, watcha doing here, my child?" You said you'd come for school and study, but you're gonna school us Gonna school us all just fine And I'd advise the wise, "start shaking!" -- as for a fool like me, The wild one alone is the mild one. Shock-locks, understand: you can bear my child. Let's dishevel things, let's hit everything! Let's kill, let's destroy, let's impose some style Make the radius of the wreckage stretch out a thousand miles It's here we'll raise our epicentral stage -- I'm gonna build a shrine And history books will soon omit the Great Chicago Fire And give grand terms to the... subversions now that we all call crimes And the post-blast motives in art-book photos of future times Will be of your design And I'd advise the wise, "start shaking!" -- as for a fool like me, The wild one alone is the mild one.