Nihil When partner wine tastes like acid vinegar And everything´s been expelled from me... at the depths Outside father sun is laughing, he can not see me I hear his voice, but I can not feel his heat I gave until feeling as dead, even my last vestiges A cold broken tank, the soul spills slowly Could you drain it all from me? Just sweep away the ground I'm awaiting the void, naked and numb Dark mother loneliness embraces her dying child Scorned at birth, he was conceived to die He can see nothing, back into a deadly womb Then the vast non-spaces grow, nothingness increases Because all I had I gave... I gave to the winds I trusted, they deceived, stole me Now I'm one of the doomed poorest beings We all live at the Nihil, together but alone Resigned to know I cannot die again I have no chance, just living here Walking barefoot through these arcane lands While you beg for the carnal ghost penetration Nihil