Pm Dawn

When It's Raining Cats And Dogs

Pm Dawn

(5:36) (A. Cordes)

Falling leaves and broken hearts. I believe you are the same. Have
you noticed streaks and blurs. Interrupting all the pain... Perish
the thought of leaving you and living blind. Ask me if I killed the
questions of why the realm has lost it's shine... (Chorus) So when
it's raining cats and dogs. I won't complain and I won't mind. When
it's raining cats and dogs I'll understand the reasons why... If
I'm looking for you and the pictures start to fade. Pushing through
the clouded hearts. Still perplexed at what they've made... Reading
the words. That describe my frame of mind. Pull me through the
fears of nowhere. Leave me waiting for the rhymes... SO when it's
raining cats and dogs. I know it won't be no surprise. When it's
raining cats and dogs, I kinda wonder if I'll cry... (Repeat