Gather my dark disciples, Into my afterglow Conjuring spells by twilight I am the undertaker I am your crimson void a moment of your weakness Speak to me sunlight, Let me know you're mine. Rob my soul of reason, as your water melts to wine. It happens everytime It happens everytime It happens everytime Weaving through fields of winter, Ice cuts like shards of glass Slicing through autumn's failure. Spiraling into nothing, a crimson mask of pain Of glory now reducing. Shout out for reason, to leave it all behind. Shout to my world of nothing and tell them all you're mine. It happens everytime It happens everytime It happens everytime Illuminate me sunshine, Become my final breath Bathe in unholy splendor She wears a velvet halo, through grains of slow decay and soon my fall is with her Shout out to my ego, Let me know I'm fine Shout with blessed silence. Be my wave in time It happens everytime It happens everytime It happens everytime Please be forgiving Please be forgiving Please be forgiving Please be forgiving