Places To Hide

Michael Amenta

Places To Hide

I’m drunk again
It’s just barely noon
I’m too young for all this
But it keeps me from you
And I’ve got shit to do
So don’t bother me
I’ll get home
And these drugs I only take them
Because they help me fall asleep
I used to have no trouble
But you ruined that for me

So wrap your head in Hemingway
And tell me there’s a better way
This black cloud keeps
Holding me down

So fuck this city traffic
And fuck this summer heat
I don’t think I’m sick
I just think I need sleep
So get off the floor
Get on the couch
Maybe we
Could fool around

These things I only do them
Because they keep me on my feet
This used to be so easy
But you ruined that for me

So fill your head with Emerson
Convince me I’m okay again
This black cloud keeps
Bringing me down