Place of Skulls


Place of Skulls

Baptist, don't let self-righteousness reign 
Methodist are weary, what do the Pentecostal say 
Catholicism, graven images are not the way 
Episcopalians stand on their creeds' 
but they're all man-made. 

The Mormon church twist the word to unbelief 
The Buddhist pray to a god who remains asleep 
New age religion denies the fact of absolutes 
And now mankind has assembled a church of prostitutes. 

But the Son Of Man, Jesus Christ, He is alive 
In belief or in denial, He's the same for all time. 
He never came for the righteous man 
But for the lost, He gave it all 
You cannot add or take one thing from Him 
He will always be The Cornerstone 
Jesus is The Cornerstone. 

A house divided, it will never stand 
One mind and spirit is what He demands 
Let this mind be in you which is in Christ 
Love our God and love your brother with all your might. 

Jesus is'