Pizzicato Five

Sweet Thursday

Pizzicato Five

futari ga 
kotoba wo kawashita no wa
kaze no tsuyoi gogatsu no 
mokuyobi no gogo

mabushii omote-dori no
hanaya no misesaki 
fukigen so ni anata wa 
watashi wo mitsumeta

hon no sukoshi ima mo oboeteru no
yuri no hana wo anata ga kureta 
koto toka 

futari ga 
kuchizuke kawashita no wa
isshukan ato no 
mokyobi no yoru
yasashii ame no naka wo 
nanjikan mo aruite
taikutsu na uwasa banashi

fui ni futari kotoba ga togireta
soshite futari okimari no koi ni
ochiru no

futari ga 
sono ato 
sayonara suru no wa
kumori zora no kugatsu no 
mokuyobi no asa

itsuno manika bed ni anata wa
soshite futari nido to au koto mo
nai kedo

the first time 
the two of us 
ever spoke to each other 
was a windy thursday afternoon 
in may

on a dazzling main street 
In front of a flower shop 
In a bad temper
you stared at me 

I still remember the little things 
like the lily you
you gave me

the first time
the two of us
kissed was
a week later 
on thursday night 
In a gentle rain
walking for hours and hours 
we repeated the same
old gossip

suddenly, the two of us 
to run out of topics 
and we fell in love as expected 

after that
when the two of us 
parted it was 
a cloudy thursday morning in 

before I knew it, you were not
in our bed 
and the two of us would never
meet again