Pizzicato Five

I Hear a Symphony

Pizzicato Five

jikan ga tarinakute 
aitai no ni 
surechigau bakari de 
hon no sukoshi 
dokoka de 
yatto aeru toki demo 
uchiaketai kotoba 
umaku ienakute 

denwa no koe 
togiregachi ni naru 

kieso na kotoba ni jitto 
mimi wo sumasete 

tawai no nai anata no 
kotoba ga ureshikute 

sore wa koibitotachi no 
tame no symphony 

hitobito wo 
jikan ga 
oikoshite yuku 
oooh doko ka de kikoeru 
wasurete ita ongaku ga 
mimi wo sumaseru 

*aishiau futari no 
sasayaku kotoba ya 
machi no doko ka 
dareka ga 
uta toka 
sonna subete 
kasanari umareru 
kore wa 
koibitotachi no 
tame no symphony*

hitobito wo 
jikan ga 
oikoshite yuku 
metro no zawameki 
wasurete ita ongaku ni 
mimi wo sumasete 

repeat **

kyo mo darekaga 
itsuka anata to 
mo ichido aetara 
kitto umaku anata ni 
uchiakete iu hazu

koibitachi no 
tame no symphony# 
repeat ##

lovers never
have time enough
they want to meet
but keep passing each other
in the street
and if they finally
manage to meet
they don't manage
to tell each other
what is
most important

when they talk
on the phone
there's those
disturbing silences
and sudden interruptions
i try to listen carefully to
what you say
(it's so distant) and
feel happy with the insignificant
things you say
that's a symphony
for lovers

time goes faster
than all those
people running
i hear a song
from somewhere
a song i had long forgotten
the two lovers try to
listen to it carefully

the words lovers
whisper to each other
and the song
someone is humming
as he walks in the streets
all this gets
mingled and
a symphony
for lovers

time goes faster
than all those
people running
the sound of the subway
and a song
i had long forgotten
the two lovers
are listening carefully

another couple will
be formed
another couple
will break up
if i ever see you again
i'll tell you

can you hear?
this symphony
for lovers