
Trompe Le Monde


Tom: A

From: * (Mark J. Schnitzius)

>From the album of the same name


  Guitar 1
| Guitar 2                                          |

  Guitar 1
| Guitar 2                                          |

E F F#7add4[???]

F#  B   Bm    F#  B  Bm
Why do cupids and angels Con-

F#  B   Bm    F#       D
tin-u-al-ly haunt her dreams like

B      D   F#  B  Bm   F#
mem-o-ries of another life

B  Bm      F#      D          Badd4
is painted on her shirt in capitals.

G              E        G
Out on the free freeway there's only

D            B         D     B   A      G
she and the they represented by their lights

[Bridge: Spoken]

    Bm          G         C#               G
We went to the store and bought something great

      Bm            G         D           F#
which samples this song from Washington state.

Em  F#m   Dm   A   E F F#7add4
[Instumental part]

Go little record go.  It is named
by some guy named Joe. And the words are the
letters of the words said electrically played
for outer space and those who paid.
This song is twice occurred and nows it's
time to go away on holiday.


Badd4:  -0--       F#7add4   -0--|
        -0--                 -0--|
        -8--                 -3--|
        -9--                 -4--|
        -9--                 -4--|
        -7--                 -2--|

From: *

        I think this is the trill part (during each second verse)

F#                               B  Bm                   F#
of                              another                  life

I had to play it tapping, but a faster player could do it with the
left hand...

The middle instrumental is based on the intro...

This song is too fast for me.  I guess I'll have to play it
over and over til I get it right...