


Tom: F

 Bass only (intro)

|                                                 |
|Bass                                             |

|                                                 |
|Bass                                             |

|                                                 |
|Bass                                             |

F   Bb        G       Bb         F
    Got me a movie I want you to know
Bb           G        Bb          F
Slicing up Eyeballs I want you to know
Bb        G        Bb          F
Girlie so groovy I want you to know
      Bb         G       Bb
Don't know about you but I am un 
F         Bb   G      Bb
   chien andalusia, I am un
F         Bb   G      Bb
   chien andalusia, I am un
F         Bb   G      Bb
   chien andalusia, I am un
F          Bb  G   
   chien andelusia

Wanna grow up to be
        Bb   F   C   F  Dm  Am  Bb  C
Be a Debaser          Debaser          Debaser 

[Back to intro riff]
[Repeat first verse, replace 'I want you to know' with 'ha ha ha ho']
[Chorus again, with same chords, slightly different form on words]
[Repeat ad lib with chord progression from verses, end on F]