
Keep It Clean


I'd appreciate it very much if you'd just . . . shut the fuckup.
And I'd appreciate it very much if you'd just . . . go the fuckaway.
And I'd appreciate it very much if you'd just . . . back the fuckup.
And I'd appreciate it very much if you'd just . . . DROP DEAD.

Then shut the fuck up.
Just take it all away.
Anything, just "keep it clean".
"Keep it clean" I said. [x2]

I'd appreciate it very much if you'd just . . . get the fuckoff.
And I'd appreciate it very much if you'd just . . . leave thefuck alone.
And I'd appreciate it very much if you'd just . . . get the fuckaway.
And I'd appreciate it very much if you'd just . . . DROP DEAD.

Then shut the fuck up.
Just take it all away.
Anything, just "keep it clean" .
"Keep it clean" I said. [x2]

You "keep it clean" - you do OK.
You play the smile you make the day.
You "keep it clean" - you do alright.
You tow the line there's no fight.

I'd appreciate it very much if you'd just . . . shut the fuckup.
And I'd appreciate it very much if you'd just . . . go the fuckaway.
I'd appreciate it very much if you'd just . . . back the fuckup.
And I'd appreciate it very much if you'd just . . . DROP DEAD.

Then shut the fuck up.
Just take it all away.
Anything, just "keep it clean" .
"Keep it clean" I said. [x2]

You "keep it clean" - you do OK.
You play the smile you make the day.
You "keep it clean" - you do alright.
You tow the line there's no fight. [x2]