You wear more make-up than zsa-zsa gabor Been engaged thirty times because you're a whore Who did you blow to get in tattoo magazine? They airbrushed your teeth so them shits would look clean You wanna be the coolest girl, the leader of the pack But you can't be respected when you're face-deep in sack You got pissed off online when your bubble started burstin' It's not my fault you fucked everyone from fat rob to rich thurston I'd be so ashamed if you were my daughter Were you up all night when you fucked slaughter? Fuck any band whether skinhead or dreaded Been in more tour vans than premium unleaded More paint on your eyebrows than tammy fay baker "x"es tattooed on your chest because you're a faker You "did something crazy" when you shaved your head But who's gonna fuck the bands when aids kills you dead? You even dated the singer from strangers as homos This doesn't rhyme, you just fucking suck Bright pink hair, thinking you look tight But you're not cute, you look like a transvestite Fuck anyone for scene points who's willing and able Been laid in more hotel rooms than basic cable Claiming straightedge but tipping back beers You'd fuck propaghandi except they're all queers