Young love at Ole Miss in bloom by the light of that Oxford moon Skyscrapers and blue suede shoes Jimmie Rodgers and Elvis too Mississippi homegrown Home of the land where the cotton grows the fields look like southers snow Spanish moss and velvet lawns congregation singing gospel songs Mississippi homegrown Things move a little slower down here warm summer nights and cold Jax beer Joints get to jumpin' to the Delta blues like a cat on a hot tin roof Mississippi homegrown [ steel - guitar ] Big muddy winds it's way down there smell of honeysuckle in the air From south of Memphis to the sweet Gulf Coast If you ain't been there you need to go Mississippi homegrown A little girl put a spell on me underneath a Mimosa tree Can't get her out of my head she's Mississippi born and bred Mississippi homegrown Things move a little slower down here... Mississippi homegrown Mississippi homegrown Mississippi homegrown Mississippi homegrown