Tom: G G Brezhnev took Afghanistan. C Begin took Beirut. D G Galtieri took the Union Jack. G And Maggie, over lunch one day, C Took a cruiser with all hands. D G Apparently, to make him give it back C G ~~ Uuuuh! Maggie what have you done? (G) G They disembarked in 45 C C And no-one spoke and no-one smiled D G There were to many spaces in the line. G C Gathered at the cenotaph C All agreed with the hand on heart D G To sheath the sacrificial Knifes. G ~~ G But now G G She stands upon Southampton dock C With her handkerchief D And her summer frock clings G To her wet body in the rain. G C In quiet desperation knuckles C White upon the slippery reins D G She bravely waves the boys goodbye again. C G ~~ Uuuuh! Maggie what have you done? E|------------| B|------------| G|------------| D|------------| A|----2-------| E|-3-5--------| C And still the dark stain spreads between A|-3-2--0--- G His shoulder blades. C G A mute reminder of the poppy fields and graves. C D And when the fight was over G D C We spent what they had made. Am7 ~~~~ But in the bottom of our hearts We felt the final cut. (Riff final Guitarra) E|-------------------------------------------------------------| B|-5/12--12-12-12-12-12-12-12-12-10-8-8-5/8--5/8--5/8-5-3--3/12| G|-------------------------------------------------------------| D|-------------------------------------------------------------| A|-------------------------------------------------------------| E|-------------------------------------------------------------| (Riff final violão, fazer ao mesmo tempo da guitarra) E|-------------------------------------------------------------| B|-------------------------------------------------------------| G|-------------------------------------------------------------| D|-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-7-5-5-2/5--2/5--2/5--2-0-2/9--------------| A|-------------------------------------------------------------| E|-------------------------------------------------------------| G ~~~~~~~~