
Inlaw Josie Whales


Tom: E

Tabbed By : Pauly S

*nh = natural harmonic
*ho = hammer on
*po = pull off
*sl = slide (I used this once where I couldn't fit a '/' before
     the note)

(1) Play this bar 4 times  (2)

(3) (4)

For the next 8 bars, play the
following 4 bars in this order:
(5)  *nh (6)  *ho

*bend or slide up to 4 here then
 pull off to the open D
(7)          *nh  *sl *po(2)*ho  *ho

(9) (10)

(11) (12)

At this point, play the following
bars in this order: (14,7,14,8)
(13) (14)

(15) (16)

After 18, repeat the 1st bar twice
(the second time w/o the slide)
(17) (18) Half bar

(19) (20)

(21) (22)

Here you play the bars in this
order: (23,24,25,26,23,24,25,27)
(23) (24)

(25) (26)

(27) (28)

Play this bar twice
|2/3-------0-----2/3-------0-----| Here you repeat bars 6-9 in the same
|------0-------0-------0-------0-| order they were played the 1st time
|----0-------0-------0-------0---| (except replace 9 w/ 7)

Then you repeat bars 2-4, slowing down
in 4 and finishing with 30 (xtra long wait before final chord)
(30) *N.H.   !           *strum      ! - this note is actually played
|----5------------------12-------| by the bass, but I like to
|----5-------0----------12-------| put it in to fill out the end

| /  slide up
| \  slide down
| h  hammer-on
| p  pull-off
| ~  vibrato
| +  harmonic
| x  Mute note