


Tom: G

From: VETTERS@* (Steve Vetter  )
Date: 11 Jun 1995 18:44:26 GMT

Tabbed by Steve Vetter [*]
additions/improvements welcome

Main riff:

                     E E

Whine? Whine? Car horn
Now that you've deceived me
and play my name around
and hung those nasty flyers
on all the buildings in the town
Dribbled my possesions
in a ring around the earth
and Bought and sold my self control
for less than it was worth
now the reason
that i'm feeling so forlorn
I'll pick you up at eight as usual
listen for my horn
Whine? Whine? Car horn

  I  Steve Vetter                    I   "I'm not the same                  I
  \  *           I        As I was long ago,            /
  I  *           I    I've learned some new things      I
  /  Elon College                    I        And I hope that it shows..."  \
  I  Alpha Kappa Psi                 I          -Neil Young  (Homefires)    I