Up before the sun, coffee pot's on, Your workday's begun while I lie sleeping. The new morning calm, the quiet words with Mom, You're off with the dawn for our safe keeping. Paka, Paka, That's what your children And grandchildren call you. Paka, Paka, Dear old Dad of mine. How we recall, we've shared it all Some stories I've heard puts me in stitches. You must have been brave, Bill, Carl, Mike and Dave Tell me you were great at building bridges. Paka, Paka, That's what your children And grandchildren call you. Paka, Paka, Dear old Dad of mine. Paka........ Paka, Paka, That's what your children And grandchildren call you. Paka, Paka, Dear old Dad of mine. Well, I never knew all you went through, But I have a clue it wasn't easy. Your life was full and it took its toll But Paka we are your loving family.