Phil Keaggy

If I Were An Animal

Phil Keaggy

If I were an animal, a monkey is what I'd be, 
I'd have fun eating bananas, 
I would swing on any tree. 
When monkeys are on the ground 
They can chomp on buildings 
You see, I could be a monkey 
Cause I like to swing on any tree. 

But if I were an animal an eagle is what I'd be, 
I'd feel happy and light and nobody could shoot me. 
If I was an eagle I could fly to see 
The clouds in the sky, 
When I fly to far from home 
I'd fly with other birds so I won't be alone. 

If I were an animal, a tiger is what I'd be, 
I'd walk around the woods and 
People wouldn't run from me 
You know I wouldn't want them to 
Even though I'm pretty big and mean 
I wouldn't want to be put in a cage, 
Now that would be a terrible scene. 

But if I were an animal an eagle is what I'd be, 
I'd feel happy and light and nobody could shoot me. 
If I was an eagle I could fly to see 
The clouds in the sky, 
When I fly to far from home 
I'd fly with other birds so I won't be alone. 

Now if I were an animal, a dog would be cool 
Cause dogs have the most action of all, 
And they don't go to school, schools are for fish. 
If I were an animal, a wolf is what I'd be 
I would make friend with that big black dog 
And we would find ourselves 
Something good to eat. 

But if I were an animal an eagle is what I'd be, 
I'd feel happy and light and nobody could shoot me. 
If I was an eagle I could fly to see 
The clouds in the sky, 
When I fly to far from home 
I'd fly with other birds so I won't be alone. 

If I were an animal, Massachusetts is where I'd be 
Because it's fun, my auntie lives there 
And her name is Peggy. 
If I were an animal, a hawk is what I'd be, 
I would chase the animals & I'd pet the squirrels 
And the rats in the city