
Return of the Ruffian


I see myself, I have to ask How long can one such as myself hope to last My lips are grey, my head is cold The season of the overload

Rough, Rough, Rough Ruffian on the stairs

The stairs are gone, the building's cracked The human race is cutting back

Rough, Rough, Rough Ruffian on the stairs

I gotta go, you gotta sleep Just one more drop to get that peak The cooling stars, the deadening night Come back to me, push back the light

Rough, Rough, Rough Ruffian on the stairs (Fuck with me, don't fuck with me)

The hands of time are swinging low Before too long they'll seize control And what's the point of suffering When dust is all the years you will bring

Rough, Rough, Rough Ruffian on the stairs (There's a can of kerosene from this legendary ghostly scene It will always be there…)

Remember me to all your friends That pretty crew of innocents I kissed you once to make you stay I kissed you twice now go away

Rough, Rough, Rough Ruffian on the stairs (Fuck with me, don't fuck with me)