


The enemy surrounds the perimeter 
Searching for an op'ning 
Sneaking 'round, tryin' to gain some ground 
He's laying down a smokescreen 
Never full, he prowls about 
For someone to devour 
Blind with rage, his reign is threatened 
By a greater power 

Occupy, occupy 
Standing firm, lifting high the holy standard 
Occupy, occupy 
'Till out captain marches in 

He'll catch your eye with some cheap disguise 
Or innocent distraction 
Then he'll infiltrate the ranks 
And split you into factions 
He never sleeps, but constantly 
Is planning some new angle 
A soldier must be diligent 
To keep from getting tangled 

He shall return with the armies of the Lord 
The King of Kings, in vengeance wielding His sword 
Gotta draw His power - watching for that hour 
We are His people and He's our great reward