Skyblaster Man There in the lights of the midway he stands Mustache and tattoos, caught in the thralls of his carnie dance Entrancing passers-by, daring that they take A turn on his dangerous ride Making them see that the magic that he commands Makes them feel like they're flying Skyblaster man Skyblaster man Taking the tickets they have in their hands Their faces like many in the towns along his carnival caravan Dollar thrill-seekers and brief death-defeaters who Come from their comfortable lives To be spun around, and turned upside down And reminded that they're alive Skyblaster man To be convinced you're alive It's a mighty big job for a three minute ride So he brings his powers to bear As if he's in prayer While they're in the air And when they land They stand in a daze and stagger and laugh And he knows at that time, by the look in their eyes that a few understand But will they remember, he wonders as he Very carefully helps them all down As if in his care, he's aware of the much greater Perils of life on the ground Skyblaster man