Peter Heppner


Peter Heppner

Twelve lyrics 

Artist: Peter Heppner
Album: other songs  
Lyrics: Twelve

They were twelve of the bravest men that I've ever seen 
They were waiting on a mountain top to defend their queen 
Against the rambling troops of bandits hiding in the stormy night 
And when they heard hollow steps nearing they knew they had to fight 

They were twelve and they were fighting. Their blood covering their hands 
Against the growing crowd of enemies no one of them could stand 
Just the oldest of our brave men was resisting in his rage 
But when he also fell he left this world at fifteen years of age 

They were twelve of the bravest men that I have ever seen 
Much too young and much too courageous and much too valiant

Eles eram doze dos homens mais corajosos que eu já vi
Eles estavam á espera no topo da montanha para defender sua rainha 
Contra as tropas de bandidos escondidos na noite tempestuosa 
E quando eles ouviram passos ocos sabiam que tinham de lutar

Eles eram doze e estavam lutando. O sangue cobria as suas mãos.
Perante a crescente multidão de inimigos qualquer um deles poderia repousar
Só os mais antigos dos nossos corajosos homens estavam resistindo em sua raiva
Mas quando eles cairam também deixaram este mundo em quinze anos de idade.

Eles eram doze homens mais corajosos que eu já vi
Muito jovens e muito corajosos e muito valentes.