The jokes are everywhere, the secret deal's complete - Money talks, some good advice, the politicians run like clockwork mice, all fits the masterplan. A database on the telephone and cable sunshine floods your home so, times are good ? Fat cats get fatter day by day. Those who sit it out will make their way, so things can't be that bad. Ooh, a smile has set upon this land, ooh, a selfish grin of ignorance; Ooh, you simply have to play the game... The joke's on us: This is more and more ridiculous. Everything's great, objectivity taboo, self-satisfaction pumping up minor achievements to cover up all the failures and mistakes. And if you don't smile along you're a public enemy, you don't belong - The black lists are in the mail. There isn't any room for doubt, we'll all be equal when we share it out but outsiders will get nothing.