And when he had opened the fourth seal The prelude to the end of time I heard the voice of an animal, saying: Come and see! I looked and couldn’t believe in my eyes! Behold a pale horse And the knight who sat on it Was called by death By those from hell who followed him I looked and on a great earthquake The Sun became black and the Moon became as blood The stars of heaven fell unto the earth While bodies tumbled devoid of life As torn leaves of your trees by a strong wind He was given power to kill A quarter of the whole With war, famine, pestilence And with the beasts of the earth And the heaven departed as a scroll when closed And every mountain and island was removed from this place And kings, lords or chiefs of the earth Large, rich, tribunes and powerful And every servant and free man hid In the caves and in the rocks of the mountains And the few who could hear Had no words Those who saw did not see what was upon us Had no words Hiding the face of him that seated on the throne of the lord Who claimed their part by right