Perpetual Disgrace

The Bard Of The Everything Is Dead

Perpetual Disgrace

I am the bard of the everything is dead my soul, turned to black 
The misery of the existence torture my soul torture my body I cant rest 
The boonies and the blood the worms in the flash inspire me to make one verse 

Anguish torment deep suffering in my soul! 
I am the bard of the everything is dead my soul, turned to black 

N'augusta solidão dos cemitérios, 
Resvalando nas sombras dos ciprestes 
Passam meus sonhos sepultados nestes 
Brancos sepulcros, pálidos, funéreos. 

São minhas crenças divinais, ardentes 
Alvos fantasmas pelos merencórios 
Túmulos tristes, soturnais, silentes, 
Hoje rolando nos umbrais marmóreos. 

Quando da vida, no eternal soluço, 
Eu choro e gemo e triste me debruço 
Na lájea fria dos meus sonhos pulcros. 

Desliza então a lúgubre coorte, 
E rompe a orquestra sepulcral da morte, 
Quebrando a paz suprema dos sepulcros. 

I am the bard of the everything is dead my soul, turned to black 
The misery of the existence torture my soul torture my body I cant rest 
The boonies and the blood the worms in the flash inspire me to make one verse