Locked away in a human hell The cell Leave options open if you can to re-plan Accomplish power to delete the pain! Clearing the path of futuristics sleight of hand Keeping the mind from getting wash by a brain! I’m not a doctor&its not my disease I am an actor so of course your gonna blame it on me, so! Locked away in a human hell The cell Missing home on a metal bed This bed Leave choices open if you will to reveal Generate power from the sayers of nay! Keeping the way of optimistic’s will to heal Clearing the mind from getting wash by a brain! I’m not a doctor&its not my disease I am an actor so of course your gonna blame it on me, so! Locked away in a human hell The cell Missing home on a metal bed This bed Reading novels I don’t care to read-passing time sleepless indeed I’m growing old & going crazy in here-I wanna break & quickly disappear! They’ll never catch my shameless pride-my spirit covered it while caged inside, so! Locked away in a human hell The cell Missing home on a metal bed Instead of being there with you I'm here