Evenings-like this-remind me of that feeling again! We had when the sky held portraits of beauty and protection- Everlasting-it's wished upon every night like this! Evenings-perfect-like that-like this! FEELING OF REMEMBERING-LEGIT SMILES AND HAPPY FACES THE WEATHER FORECAST IS SIMPLY NOT WORRIED ABOUT FOR THE EVENING IN WHICH I SING ABOUT IS THE FEELING WISHED UPON MY EVERY WAKING DAY! Fragrances-like hers-remind me-of her- And how-we roll-we rise beside the sun! Parallel we are with God-vertical we are with all! Smelling senses-taste buds of heavenly creatures from above! Help us to manifest-metaphorically-living- Loving-speaking-screaming-standing-sitting- Waiting-hoping-one of us makes the other laugh! Everlasting-it's wished upon everyday like this! Evenings-perfect-like-that-like this! FEELING OF REMEMBERING-LEGIT SMILES AND HAPPY FACES THE WEATHER FORECAST IS SIMPLY NOT WORRIED ABOUT FOR THE EVENING IN WHICH I SING ABOUT IS THE FEELING WISHED UPON MY EVERY WAKING DAY! Years of good days-months of yucky days Decades of great years-centuries of unwanted tears! All add up in the end as wonderful times- Many wondrous evenings like this! © 2003 Jeff Hardy