Come all ye fair and tender ladies Be careful how you court young men They're like a star on a summer's morning First you think they're there Then they're far away They'll tell to you some lovin' story They'll tell to you some far flung lie And then they'll go and court another And let another pass you by If i'd of known before i courted That love, it was, such a killin' crime I'da locked my heart in a box of golden And tied it up with a silver line I wish i was a little sparrow That i had wings, could fly so high I'd fly away to my false true lover And when he's talking, i'd deny But i am not a little sparrow I have no wings and i cannot fly I'll go away to some lonesome valley And weep and pass my troubles by My daddy, he's , he's a handsome devil He's got a chain that's five miles long And on each chain, a heart does dangle Of some fair maid, he's loved and wronged.