Pentagram Chile

Spell Of The Pentagram

Pentagram Chile

Magic circle
Star of hell
Sacred symbol

Occult ritual
Of sorcery
Ancient practice

Body lies asleep
Soul flies away
From the pentagram
To a strange world
Mysterious domain
Where darkness reigns
The magic rite
Seals its gates

Floating freely
Through the void
Into the dark

Unknown fate
There's no truth
To be found

Body lies asleep
Soul flies away
From the pentagram
To a strange world
Mysterious domain
Where darkness reigns
The magic rite
Seals its gates

The final answer
That you seek

Try to reach it
By carnal pleasure
Or insanity

Reality, hallucination?
Perdition, salvation?
Mystery, revelation?
Blessing, damnation?

Trapped inside
The insane mind
No way back

Life is ceased
The insane mind
No way back

Life is ceased
Gates are closed
With the death

Body lies asleep
Soul flies away
From the pentagram
To a strange world
Mysterious domain
Where darkness reigns
The magic rite
Seals its gates

Eternal life of madness
Beyond earthly death
Gazing into darkness
Awaiting an end