Pick a prospect You don't even have one As far as human being A poor excuse for one You little life has No more time again There is not need for you Absolutely no need A walking timebomb A menace to the fan A pool of fitness Should be talking abortion An ugly warthog A feeble amateur Seem to me you are some psycho slut I see a distance growing Seems to me that poor life is passing you by Try to escape There is no hesitation The same kinds of cooperation to guarantee a nation Not to escape To reservation of your for the entire nation Sick and fancy You wrote the chapter fourteen Without a pen and maybe you and I can have a latte But it seems to me you are some psycho slut I see a distance growing Seems to me that your poor life is passing you by Try to escape There is no hesitation The same kinds of cooperation to guarantee a nation Not to escape To reservation of your for the entire nation Counter apathy And from the depths of the bin can't wait 'tll you are gone back to where you came from How's that latte? Put down your understatement It seems to be that you are some kind of psycho slut Try to escape! Try to escape! Try to escape! Psycho 89!