Slowly as Sir Luscious step up like a Q-Dawg A-town's up, deuces down it's the new call And you can dial 1-888-CUT-SOMETHING I'm your kinky operator when you wanna fuck something Ain't no dial tones just milestones, of pleasure to reach To each his own, I'm a stone cold Aquarian freak Humanitarian, barbarian but under the sheets It's the player from the Point And your girl from the D ARE YOU INFATUATED WITH ME I COULD END YOUR CURIOSITY IF YOU DON'T THINK I'M TOO RUDE HERE'S YOUR CHANCE TO MAKE YOUR MOVE I SIT AND WAIT FOR NOBODY PEOPLE SAY THAT MY STYLE IS SO CRAZY I THINK YOU LIKE IT BABY DO YOU WANT TO GET NASTY I DARE YOU TO UNDRESS ME BABY, LET ME KNOW IF YOU WANNA ROLL WITH THIS HIP HOP STAR BABY I'M GONE FLOW WITH MY PANTS DOWN LOW I'M A HIP HOP STAR BABY LET ME KNOW IF YOU WANNA RIDE WITH THIS HIP HOP STAR I'M A ROCK STAR DO I BLOW YOU AWAY? DO I STIMULATE YOUR MIND WOULD YOU TASTED MY LOVE IF I KICK IT TIGHT I HAVE NONE TO WASTE WITH YOU I GUESS YOU CAN SAY MY STYLE IS SO CRAZY I THINK YOU LIKE IT BABY DO YOU WANT TO GET MESSY I DARE YOU TO UNDRESS ME BABY, LET ME KNOW IF YOU WANNA ROLL WITH THIS HIP HOP STAR BABY I'M GONE FLOW WITH MY PANTS DOWN LOW I'M A HIP HOP STAR BABY LET ME KNOW IF YOU WANNA RIDE WITH THIS HIP HOP STAR I'M A ROCK STAR UNDRESS ME UNDRESS ME YOU CAN COME COME BABY, UNDRESS ME Take off that tank top and pull off them drawers The girls all pause, got them drippin down they sugar walls Aw naw! Getting to the nappy root Knocking boots and stilettos, damn I keep it ghetto! A cool type of fellow, mellow got the gold medal Never settle for less my rose petal Tooey, tooey, tooey, tooey! Spit game! Venom to get it up in 'em, let me "p" pop that thang First check her brain to see if she's sane, Deranged or strange or crazy as hell You never can tell these days Everybody got a little Rick James in they veins man!