Tom: A Hey. Please rate this because it took me a long time to tab this out. STANDARD TUNING intro/verse 1st guitar eI------------------------I BI--9--7--5--0----1----7--I GI------------------------I DI------------------------I AI------------------------I EI------------------------I 2nd Guitar E Am E am Chorus eI-----------I----I-----------I----I-----------I----I-----------I----I BI-----------I----I-----------I----I-----------I----I-----------I----I GI--6-6-6-6--I----I--4-4-4-4--I----I-----------I----I-----------I----I DI--6-6-6-6--I-X4-I--4-4-4-4--I-X4-I--4-4-4-4--I-X4-I--7-7-7-7--I-X2-I AI--4-4-4-4--I----I--2-2-2-2--I----I--4-4-4-4--I----I--7-7-7-7--I----I EI-----------I----I-----------I----I--2-2-2-2--I----I--5-5-5-5--I----I and it never goes away..... lyric at least in my dreams when i'm sleeping it seems that the needle is full endlessly but you keep on waking me i'm almost there it's on the tip of my tongue and it never goes away it never comes to stay the chances are slight that i won't shoot up tonight but the sensation that's waiting beneath is a kick in the teeth