Pedro Guinu

Hold On

Pedro Guinu

Meio inocente , apaixonada.
Meio perdida, fingiu ter marra
E só falou que ela veio do Brasil
Que foi parar numa esquina em Nashville
E não falava uma palavra em inglês
E quem diria que o fim virou talvez

Every moment just another brief breath in space
While everything slips and falls into place

Hold on, hold on don’t let yourself run away
Hold on , hold on you’ve come so far don’t be afraid
Hold on, hold on, when there’s dream, there’s a way
There’s way, don’t be afraid

Strangers’eyes, hypnotized
Neon lights, Broadway nights
The mystery blends the soul of the girl
A whisper blend into the fabric of the world
A river flowing with the clouds up in the sky
She gives a spirit into the wind and starts to fly

Every moment just another brief breath in space
While everything slips and falls into place

Hold on, hold on don’t let yourself run away
Hold on , hold on you’ve come so far don’t be afraid
Hold on, hold on, when there’s dream, there’s a way
There’s way, don’t be afraid