Livid's creation, the useless chewing stick, regurgitate flavourable option.... Redundance hat we keep in closet full....... Depreciate the self, the second best..... Harmful, the finger of repression..... Hateful, the fear of love...... Hopeful, the use of space...... My POINTLESS WASTED DAYS For I am Concrete Livingston, man of the hour___the one who wanted to win For I am Huckleberry WinWord, organized prevention For I am Thomas Palm Pilot Socrates' stretch mark Who crowned us the jewels of invention? Elevate unrepetition of repetitive filth..... Smug is the hourglass reflection....... Nervous twitch, unease the traffic for I had fallen long ago Terminal is mindful, mindful is true, truth is chaos informative cruel Hopeful, respect for space... POINTLESS WASTED DAYS