Tom: E strum d d d d d u d d d d d E|E|------|2-2-2----2--2-2--| dE|------|E|------|E|------|E|------|-3-3-3---3----0E|------|---| B|E|------|2-2-2----2--2-2--aE|------|E|------|E|------|E|------|-3-3-3---3----0E|------|---| G|E|------|0-0-0----0--0-0--| m-----Repeat x 2 - -- 0-0-0---0----0E|------|---| D|E|------|3-3-3----3--3-3--pE|------|E|------|E|------|E|------|-3-3-3---0----2E|------|---| A|E|------|2-2-2----2--2-2--| eE|------|E|------|E|------|E|------|-2-2-2---3----2E|------|---| E|E|------|x-x-x----x--x-x--| nE|------|E|------|E|------|E|------|-x-x-x---2----0E|------|---| \ring/ For this intro, play along with the snare drum to get the rhythm right. And I'm not totally sure that the G is right. E|E|------|E|------|E|------|E|------|-----| <<<<<<<<<<<--Verse-->>>>>>>>>>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Keep in mind that this the most aggressive part of the song and you really only need to be playing the F and G as 'power chords' in the true sense of the word. If you listen to the CD it's really hard to tell if they are minor or not... so I guess it doesn't matter ;). Chord F G F F F F F G Em EmEmEm strum d d d d d u d d d d d u E|-----(1)---(3)---(1)---(1)-(1)(1)-----(1)---(3)----0--0-0-0-| B|-----(1)---(3)---(1)---(1)-(1)(1)-----(1)---(3)----0--0-0-0-| G|-----(2)---(4)---(2)---(2)-(2)(2)-----(2)---(4)----0--0-0-0-| D|E|------|3-----5-----3-----3---3--3E|------|-3-----5-----2--2-2-2-| A|E|------|3-----5-----3-----3---3--3E|------|-3-----5-----2--2-2-2-| E|E|------|1-----3-----1-----1---1--1E|------|-1-----3-----0--0-0-0-| I can't stand to see your head cave in Chord F G F F F F F G Em EmEmEm strum d d d d d u d d d d d u E|-----(1)---(3)---(1)---(1)-(1)(1)-----(1)---(3)----0--0-0-0-| B|-----(1)---(3)---(1)---(1)-(1)(1)-----(1)---(3)----0--0-0-0-| G|-----(2)---(4)---(2)---(2)-(2)(2)-----(2)---(4)----0--0-0-0-| D|E|------|3-----5-----3-----3---3--3E|------|-3-----5-----2--2-2-2-| A|E|------|3-----5-----3-----3---3--3E|------|-3-----5-----2--2-2-2-| E|E|------|1-----3-----1-----1---1--1E|------|-1-----3-----0--0-0-0-| I can't stand to see them wear you in Chord F G F F F F F G Em EmEmEm strum d d d d d u d d d d d u E|-----(1)---(3)---(1)---(1)-(1)(1)-----(1)---(3)----0--0-0-0-| B|-----(1)---(3)---(1)---(1)-(1)(1)-----(1)---(3)----0--0-0-0-| G|-----(2)---(4)---(2)---(2)-(2)(2)-----(2)---(4)----0--0-0-0-| D|E|------|3-----5-----3-----3---3--3E|------|-3-----5-----2--2-2-2-| A|E|------|3-----5-----3-----3---3--3E|------|-3-----5-----2--2-2-2-| E|E|------|1-----3-----1-----1---1--1E|------|-1-----3-----0--0-0-0-| Why'd you go and do that to your head Chord F G C C C C strum d d d u d u E|-----(1)---(3)---2----2---2--2E|------|E|------|--| B|-----(1)---(3)---2----2---2--2E|------|E|------|--| G|-----(2)---(4)---0----0---0--0E|------|E|------|--| ( X 3) D|E|------|3-----5----3----3---3--3E|------|E|------|--| A|E|------|3-----5----2----2---2--2E|------|E|------|--| E|E|------|1-----3----X----x---x--xE|------|E|------|--| <<<<<<<<<<<--Chorus-->>>>>>>>>>> Use the C chord "form" in the line above, and move it up the fretboard. It's rather hard to describe. But I'll state it like this... slide from the 2nd fret (the C), up to the 5th, then to the 10th, and the 12th. Actually the high E string isn't even played, so you don't even really need to worry about it, and the G string is kinda left to ring. It's one of those parts reminiscent of DM . Chord C shape base fret: 3(C) 5(D) 10(G) 12(A) E|E|------|E|------|E|------|SE|------|E|------|-----SE|------|-----| B|E|------|E|------|--3---| L----5E|------|-10---L----12-----| G|E|------|E|------|E|------|| IE|------|-(0)E|------|-IE|------|-(0)-| (X 3) then D D|E|------|E|------|2-----| D--4E|------|--9-----D--11E|------|-| A|E|------|----3-----3-| E-5E|------|-10---10-E-12E|------|--| E|E|------|E|------|E|------|E|------|E|------|E|------|E|------|E|------|| The above portion was transcribed by Todd Weise Questions, comments, TAB requests Contact me at: OR *-- PLEASE NOTE E|------|E|------|E|------|E|------|E|------|E|------|E|------|E|------|E|------|E|------|* * This work is simply the author's own interpretation of the named song. * * It should be for private/study use only. * *E|------|E|------|E|------|E|------|E|------|E|------|E|------|E|------|E|------|E|------|E|------|E|------|---* Author : Andy Bold - ( Date : 2:45 PM on 19/1/98 Song : 'Sleeping Bag' - (by Paw) Source : 'Dragline' album E|E|------|E|------|E|------|E|------|E|------|E|------|E|------|E|------|E|------|E|------|E|------|E|------|-----| Towards the end, just before the line "Someone call a doctor..." an acoustic guitar plays... E-|---10---8---3---6E|------|E|------|-----| (It's basically the Cadd9 B-|---10---8---3---6E|------|E|------|-----| Chord shape, fretted at G-|---0----0---0---0--- x 2--| different positions on the D-|---9----7---2---5E|------|E|------|-----| guitar. Refer to the song to A-|---10---8---3---6E|------|E|------|-----| get the rhythm) E-|E|------|E|------|E|------|E|------|E|------|----| E-|---10---8---3---5---3---5---3E|------|E|------|-| B-|---10---8---3---5---3---5---3E|------|E|------|-| (Just note that you must G-|---0----0---0---0---0---0---0E|------|E|------|-| strum each chord a couple D-|---9----7---2---4---2---4---0E|------|E|------|-| of times. The author - Andy A-|---10---8---3---5---3---5---2E|------|E|------|-| Bold did not right each E-|E|------|E|------|E|------|E|------|----3E|------|E|------|-| one out.) "Someone call a doctor..." Then an electric guitar comes in playing the same chords and repeats all of the above twice. The very last bit uses the following chords on the acoustic at first, then the electric comes back in... G D Emin C C D (the D and Emin are A/Amin shaped barre chords) (the second C is played with top E string 3rd fret) These are finger picked and I've not worked out the full tabulature so you'll have to 'improvise' for now!?! @:) Sleeping Bag - Outro Legend E|------| h = hammer-on p = pull-off b = bend r = bend release / = slide up/down <5> = natural harmonic [5] = artifical harmonic ~ = vibrato tr = trill E|-3E|------|-5-----7E|------|E|------|-0-3p2-3-|-3E|------|-5-----7E|------|E|------|-0-| B|E|------|-3E|------|E|------|-2-----2E|------|---|E|------|-3E|------|E|------|-2-----2---| G|-0---0---0---0-0---0-----0E|------|-----|-0---0---0---0-0---0-----0-----| D|---0E|------|-0-----0---0-0E|------|-0---0-|---0E|------|-0-----0---0-0E|------|-| A|E|------|E|------|E|------|E|------|E|------|E|------|-|E|------|E|------|E|------|E|------|E|------|-| E|E|------|E|------|E|------|E|------|E|------|E|------|-|E|------|E|------|E|------|E|------|E|------|-| E|-3p2-3--|-| B|E|------|-*|-| G|E|------|--|-| D|-0---0--|-| A|E|------|-*|-|