A hoarse moan blows steam into the dark Leavening the night with a regnant weaponed direness As melodies of malady hover in the wind Tunes that the weak chant for their divinity A cadaverous silhouette moves Infuriated by ingrowing scorn Which evokes the urge to interpose And ceases my tearful swoon Imprecate upon their trust Abstruse hate throbbing in my breast Destined to erupt Delights in mouldering charity I submit to my wrath I fleer at your god Ominous steps of haste tread the ground Into the brightness I scowl Espy the last resort Forth I stalk to the source of my insurrection Lecherously I desecrate the cross Soon their eager quest for bliss will end Their hopes will be fulfilled by my hand I enthrone myself Unclosed for their entreaty I storm... Die! Ebullition, ecstasy as my swipes hit violently Boundless might the inner cause Overflow them with my force Their cries seem to be like hymns of adoration Glare at the hell of the burning inferno Adorning the night and my glorious acquisition Towering I thrive within almightiness But there will be no rest because in the distance They ache for me to announce the truth